Sugar is Evil and Daily Exercise Log (7/29 - 8/4)

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I'll even go so far as to say sugar is the white devil. It ages the skin, rots the teeth, and is crack. It makes us feel good because increased sugar intake leads to the release of serotonin - the hormone associated with feelings of happiness. But take in too much, and the body can't handle it. It tries to get the blood sugar levels down by releasing a flood of insulin into the blood. Insulin tells the cells to scoop up the sugar, use it for energy, and convert any excess into fat. Result - sugar crash. Result - wider waistline. And eventually, when our bodies stop paying attention to the insulin as it should, Type II Diabetes.

The problem is that we need the simple sugar glucose. It is the ultimate source of energy for the body, and the only source of nourishment for the brain. Our body needs it at all times, and if it isn't found in sufficient amounts from our diet, the body will make it from proteins and fat. Glucose helps us be happy, concentrate, learn and think. We cannot survive without it. Unfortunately  we take in a lot more than the limited amounts of glucose we need on a daily basis.

Fructose is the sugar found in fruit. It is accompanied by nutrients and fiber, but is not essential to the body's function. Fructose (w/o any nutritional value) is also found in table sugar (50% glucose, 50% fructose) and high fructose corn syrup (45-58% glucose, 42-55% fructose). Fructose always goes to the liver after intake, because that is the only organ that can turn it into a usable form of energy (glycogen that eventually gets converted to glucose). The liver also stores any unused glucose as glycogen.And it turns any excess glycogen into fat.

And since we only need about a teaspoon of sugar in our systems at a time, most of the fructose we take in turns to fat. Some studies suggest that we shouldn't take in more than 10% of our daily calories in the form of sugar, and that at 25% or more, it will lead to an increased chance of major disease.

There is so much to be said about sugar that this may be a 3 part series...For now, just remember that sugar is bad!
Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4

Exercise Log - My nutrition goal for this week is to stop eating added sugar, and avoid all deep fried food. I started on the 25th, and I've already lost more than 1lb, despite having a sip of an Icee, a virgin margarita, 1/2 of very small crap empanada, and 2 Big Macs - yes, I wrote two (2) Big Macs.Tuesday update: I have lost more than 2lbs - as of this morning. We'll see if today's intake makes a difference. Wednesday update: UUUUGGGHHH!!!! I guess this is why we aren't supposed to weigh every day, because 1 of those two plus pounds is back! I hope it is just a little swelling from last night's workout (see below), but IDK....


Goal: Boxing

Hair: It has been in about 20 large double-strand twists since yesterday. I will likely leave them in until tomorrow.

Nutrition: I had a boiled egg, a grilled chicken wrap, and some cashews so far. I don't know what is going to happen for dinner, but I do need to eat something green!

Outcome: I went to boxing, and worked hard. I also had fruit for dinner. Some recommend limiting fruit after a certain time of day, but I like fruit as my dinner option because after I exercise it helps to hydrate me, it is light, and according to one of the articles I've read, fructose is most likely to be converted to glucose right after exercise.


Goal: Circus Arts
New Goal: Boxing every weekday

Hair: I'm about to write a post about it now, but it is the style I created after taking out my large double-strand twists from the other day.

Nutrition: I've eaten two pink grapefruits, (a sample of some deep fried chicken, a sample cinnamon sugar pretzel piece, and a little trail mix) and about half of a grilled chicken, veggie, and lo mein lunch. Sounds pretty healthy - but I realized that there was some sweet sauce accompanying the grilled chicken, and possibly some butter on the veggies. But it is likely better than a Big Mac.

Outcome: We'll see. Update: I went to boxing so late that I ended up having a one-on-one session with a trainer. Sounds good, but feels least physically. I did a lot of new and painful exercises - one of which seemed to be extended transitions from upward to downward facing dog, but I did also get to work on my jab, slip, and left hook to the point that I am feeling pretty good. Food wise - I did eat the rest of my lunch for dinner, and had a little homemade banana based vegan ice cream. It ended up just feeling like a smoothie.


Goal: Boxing

Hair: So I took it out of yesterday's style (Did you read my post about it?) And tucked and pinned my ends under last night. I like the way it turned out, I think I may actually do a Keek on it.

Nutrition: Started with fruit. We'll see where the day takes us.Where did I end up? I had soup and half a sandwich for lunch, a bite of the other half of the sandwich before boxing, then a Big Mac for dinner (Insert judgment here - I know, I know, I know it is ridiculous). Later I had a grapefruit and a little trail mix.

Outcome: I forgot all about the video for Keek, and by the time I left boxing and remembered about it, I looked like Sideshow Bob. Not my best look. Oh and I did go to boxing - class was really challenging, especially after Tuesday's one on one workout. BUT it was also really great because I got to try the advanced routine during ring time. And I ALMOST got it. Personal victory time! Why/how? Because it means that the trainer decided that I was doing well enough to allow me to try it, and that I was confident enough to try it, and that I was coordinated enough to almost get it.


Goal: Run
New Goal: Boxing

Hair: I did a bun. It was the easiest thing to get my hair into. 

Nutrition: I decided that it was my cheat day, so I ate fruit for breakfast, soup and salad for lunch - then I took a wrong turn and ate a sugar cookie, and later on had nuggets and fries for dinner.

Outcome: My workout was great, but I was disappointed with my eating.


Goal: Boxing (in the morning)

Hair: I did a giant puff after boxing - you can see photos in my post from Sunday, August 4th.

Nutrition: No breakfast, and I had a salad and two small BBQ chicken tacos for lunch. I had a filet-o-fish for dinner. Delicious. I also had a grapefruit. 

Outcome: Again - I need to lay off the fried food - but I went a whole week without added sugar or fried food (mostly), so for me, it was a winning week. 


Goal: Something/Hopefully a run...

Hair: Still in my giant bun.

Nutrition: Egg, cheese, chicken bagel, spinach and cheese calzone, and for dinner - jerk chicken, a little rice, callaloo, a fritter, bake, and some fruit. DELICIOUS!

Outcome: No exercise.


Goal: Something

Hair: I did a post on it. Check it out.

Nutrition: I had a Reuben, some fries, and a little ice cream. I only ate a few fries, and I threw the rest away. I changed my mind in the middle though and tried to a catch a french fry before it fell into the garbage can. I failed. But it was the better outcome. I also had a kiwi.  

Outcome: I didn't eat enough.

I did exercise 5 days during the week, and I ate better (at least for me)...

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Write by: Unknown - Monday, July 29, 2013

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