Can you get all of the benefits of an hour long run or bike ride in just 7 minutes of exercise? Maybe. Scientists have found "very good evidence" that high-intensity interval training (HIT) provides "many of the fitness benefits of prolonged endurance training but in much less time," says Chris Johnson, co-author of an American College of Sports Medicine's Health & Fitness Journal article on the subject.

These 12 exercises should be done in the order provided above and in 30-second intervals with 10-second rest periods in between.  The succession of exercises allows large muscle groups to rest while others are working. The key to success, however, is the level of effort put into the exercises. Optimal results are found when the discomfort/effort level is at least an 8 out of 10, with 10 being maximum effort. Try it out - all you need is a chair and a wall to complete the series! via NY Times Magazine

Celebrity trainer, Harvey Pasternak, has created his own version of the 7-minute routine. You can read his version here.

For the previous weeks, click here: Week 1,  Week 2,  Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7 and Week 8. They are not all successful, but I figure if I keep trying, it will help keep me on track.


Goal: Run

Outcome: Success! I ran on the beach in Costa Rica. I did 2.5 miles, and it was an experience! While beautiful, it reminded me that running on sand is DIFFICULT...

Hair: Still in flat twists. And an optimal travel style.


Goal: Didn't have one.
Outcome: Didn't do anything.
Hair: Twist-out


Goal: Boxing

Outcome: I haven't been in a week...let's see how it goes.
I WENT!!! I felt like I was going to pass out. But I completed the class. Despite myself, I will have better abs and better arms.

Hair: It is still in the twist-out, it is fluffier than yesterday, but I may need to put it in a banana clip to make it through the day. - I wore it out, I was late for class and didn't even have time to put it up. It was fluffy before class and fluffier afterwards.


Goal: Zumba

Outcome: I haven't gone in 2+ weeks! Let's see if I can still remember the moves.
Outcome: Nothing - again! I am falling off the wagon!

Hair: I did four large double-strand twists in the front, and tried to get the rest in a banana clip. I didn't work - hence my post: Banana Clips for Everyone!


Goal: Yoga
Outcome: Can I finally make it?
Outcome: NOPE - I didn't exercise (AGAIN). I had my clothes and shoes ready, but I guess I wasn't mentally prepared.

Hair: Same as above.


Goal: Run/Hike Stone Mountain

Outcome: I have plans for the weekend, and I hope that my guest is up to the task. Last time we tried it, I was the one left in the dust, so I shouldn't be surprised if it plays out the same way again.
Outcome: I didn't go to Stone Mountain, but I did do what has apparently become my favorite activity - boxing! It was again a challenge, and again, I had a great time.

Hair: Apparently I'm never going to change it! But I've been using my Allikay hair products on the ends, brushed up the edges with the Cream of Nature Edges product, and my hair has remained pretty soft and fairly smooth around the edges....


Goal: Run!

Outcome: I haven't been running enough, so I need to try to add in a couple of miles in the morning.
Outcome: Boxing AGAIN!!!! Did I tell you that we always start out with jump rope, then do something using hand weights and running and/or foot work, then we box, then we do ab work?

Hair: I redid the double-strand twists, added another, and kept it pushed back in my puff.


Activity Total for the Week: 4 days out of 7