My Daily Log - Week 2 & Where to Share Your Goals!

Image via MapMyWalk
Last Week: 4 Active Days, 5-7 activities.

As I said last week, I'm trying to prepare for a future imaginary (ok just future) half marathon. But for now, I'm trying to stay motivated to work out at least 5 days a week and try different activities throughout the process. In anticipation of this week's activities I've signed up for my Zumba classes, I've washed all of my workout gear. I'm ready. I think.

And apparently more than half of the people seeing your health and fitness posts on Facebook and Twitter find them to be annoying, so you may wish to try sharing your victories through:

Fitocracy - It makes fitness a game where you can gain points and win badges by being active. The site gives you access to trainers from all around the web, and helps foster a fitness community. Fitocracy provides fitness challenges for you and your real-life and fitness based friends. It is free for the basic service, and you can download the ap for your iPhone or Android. Participation in fitness challenges cost $4.99/month.

Daily Mile - With a live feed, you can post and read people's updates, activities, hopes, and dreams. You can connect with friends, track your mileage (runs, swims, bike rides, etc.), and log your workouts.  You can sync up with your Nike+, iPhone, Android, and Garmin aps. The basic service is free, but there is also a paid version for $49.95/year.

Map My Fitness - Use Facebook to log in to the program, which uses Google Maps to track your mileage. It is part of the Map My_Hike, Ride, Walk, or Run family. You can find your friends, track your food, mileage and activities all online. The site will also help you find places to run throughout the US, groups to join, start a training program, and even participate in challenges. The program also works with Nike+ and Fitbit - and will even email people who haven't joined the Map My Fitness family. The basic access is free, but costs $5.99/month for an upgraded membership which includes mobile coaching.


MY GOALS FOR 4/1 - 4/7


Goal: Run at least 5 miles

Outcome: I ran, I think I did about 5 miles, but my Runtastic ap didn't record the whole run. Thanks to @graceoctavia2 for running with me!


Goal: Zumba

Outcome: I attended a Zumba toning class where weighted sticks were added to the dance routines in order to add a resistance training element. I enjoyed the music and the addition of targeted upper and lower body exercises made the class more challenging. And I followed the choreography a little easier this time, but that was likely because the instructor used simpler moves and not any increase in skill or coordination on my part!


Goal: Yoga, then a run

Outcome: NOTHING -  I got home late, it was raining, and I just ended up going to sleep. I hope that today (Thursday) will be better.


Goal: Run, then Zumba. I'm going to skip a run on Wednesday or Thursday, but I figure that if I put it out there as a possibility, I might go one of the two days. I think I need to run at least 3x a week in order to improve my running endurance and speed. But I don't want to run two days in a row because my knees are prone to injury. Oh well, I'll figure it out.

Outcome: So I didn't run Wednesday or Thursday. I did however go to Zumba. I wore too much, I had on my full length yoga pants and a longish tunic that tied at the waist. By the time I jumped, grapevined, and did my little steps - I was drenched! I now know that the evening classes have more people, and are a lot warmer. Clothing advice for Zumba...less is more.


Goal: Yoga

Outcome: Again, NOTHING. I just couldn't make myself do it. I realized that it was going ot make for a hard weekend, but I didn't have it in me. Lesson learned...I work much better when I start my day by either exercising immediately or carrying my work out clothes so I don't have the chance to rest at home. If I have too much time, I won't exercise.


Goal: Stone Mountain Hike/Run

Outcome: I didn't hike/run, but I did run 5 miles. I had to sit down for a few minutes during the run because my calves were really knotted up, and I just didn't feel well. I'm glad I did, because that rest helped me go further than I originally planned. Lesson learned...there is nothing wrong with stopping when you are tired. You may need a minute or two to catch your breath, and it is always better to pause than to quit.


Goal: Yoga

Outcome: I decided that running at least three times for the week was more important than going to my yoga class. I ran 4 miles, and tried a new route. My calves were still knotting up, and I gave myself the chance to walk a couple of times for a minute or less at a time, but I still finished in 46 minutes, so I ended up going at about 11.5 minutes/miles, which is a little slower than I wanted to go, but at least I went. I'll try to do some real stretching before bed.

What are your workout goals for the week? Does it help you to announce them? I joined Map My Run a few years ago, and I just bought the WalkJogRun ap.  Are you a member of any of these sites, do you use any of the aps?
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Write by: Unknown - Monday, April 1, 2013

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