My Hair At Home

So even though I've been back in Atlanta for a week now, I still hadn't found the time to post about my time at home until today. I went to Connecticut to visit my family, enjoy West Indian week and celebrate my Grandma's birthday. I was there for 9 days and knew that I was going out a good portion of those nights, and exercising most mornings....oh and my Grandma is very opinionated and only rarely gives me a stamp of approval on my hair. And although I brought my comb, brushes, Obia haircare products and some pins - I did not have my full travel arsenal.

Quick overview of my activities and hair for the week:

Saturday I flew in, and immediately went to volunteer at the Riverfront where the Jerk fest was taking place. I worked in the Children's Corner - and wore the giant puff that I created on Friday.The night concluded with a concert by the great Yellowman! I put up a Keek about it, so if you want to hear him live (if only for a few seconds) check me out on Keek. Photo, upper right w/sister.

Sunday - church, lunch, shopping. New hairstyle. I did a post about it. And put this photo on Instagram.

Monday - Went to boot camp, and ran. I kept my Sunday style, and took my Grandma to the casino...I think that showed up in my post about my Grandma's birthday.But it turned out to be an all day outing, and dinner.

Tuesday - I worked on some things that I needed to get done, and ended up with a twist-out for Jamaica Night! I had fun, but the DJ wouldn't let one song play through - oddly enough it was his mini-soca block that got everyone going the most. Photo, middle left.

Wednesday - Went to the track. Later, I ran some errands, went to the mall, had lunch with my bestie, took two of my nieces to see Smurfs 2 in 3D.  That's love because I generally don't see 3D movies, and I wouldn't have EVER voluntarily seen a Smurfs move. But I went. And washed and twisted my hair an hour before going out to Guyanese night. I used Wen to wash and some petroleum based grease to twist. I had a great time - the music was good!!! And people loved the reggae block in the middle of his soca set. Photo, bottom right.

I've got my nephew, cousin, nieces, and a bunch of photos of
me, my sister, sister-in-law, Grandma and my hair.   
Thursday - I ran. Then I spent the day with my Grandparents with my hair in pulled back twists. I got to eat some delicious Brown Stew Chicken (I wish I had taken a photo). Later on I went to Zumba - and went to sleep!

Friday - Boot camp. Lunch with my brother - that ended up being like 3 hours, then a few minutes of shopping, then a children's museum and shopping again with my other brother and niece. Then it was time for Grandma's party, so I did a quick twist out, and kept it moving. After the party I hung out with Grandma and some family for a couple of hours. I love those people. Photos, middle (Grandma and I) bottom middle (nephew and cousin), mid left-ish (me heading to lunch).

Saturday - PARADE DAY!!! My sister and I volunteered to march with my oldest niece's dance troupe during the parade - and I had a lot of fun!!! I haven't been in the parade since 1993 (yes I did say 1993) - OMG that is 20 YEARS!!!! But I found the energy to dance and wave my flag from the start to the finish. Afterwards there was a concert on the lawn where Mr. Vegas performed, and just good music and good food. We were there until early evening, but then we went on a river cruise - and I had to turn my twist out into something before we got on the boat.  I ended up with flat twists in the front and a ponytail. I created double strand twists out of the ends of the ponytail and formed a bun. I pinned up the ends of the flat twists into a swirl - it looked decent. Photo, top middle.

Sunday - I left my hair in the updo. Went to church, cooked, visited grandparents, visited neighbors, took a nap, did laundry, and tried to sleep.

Monday - Travel. Then work.... 
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Write by: Unknown - Monday, August 19, 2013

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