I Sweat Glitter: Daily Exercise Log Week 17.

Quote via Glitter's Fitness Studio
I glisten a little when I use weights, and I tend to sweat a little when I run, but I feel like I am soaked to the bone when I box. I have taken to bringing a little sweat towel with me because otherwise I will have sweat literally dripping from my body. I know it sounds gross, but that is just the way it is. And other than me being embarrassed, and concerned about all the sweat in my scalp harming my hair, I was also worried that I was having some type of issue...maybe early hot flashes brought on by intense exercise? Who knows...Anyway, I've done a little research, and learned that sweating just means that I'm doing something right!

Sweat is our bodies' air conditioning system. It helps to cool down our internal body temperature in order to keep everything working as it should.The increased heart rate and faster breathing that accompanies sweating both improves circulation and revs up the the metabolism. Somehow everything all works together to get the body back to a normal body temp.

Sweating also opens up your pores and pushes out toxins along with the water, acid, and minerals that make up sweat. In the end our skin benefits because when the pores open up the impurities and dirt trapped in and on the first few layers of skin come out. So after a nice shower, you should end up with cleaner, softer, smoother skin than you had before your workout. Apparently your immune system may also get a boost from sweating because when the body heats up we produce more white blood cells, which in turn strengthens our immune systems!

And I found something that made me feel better about being sweaty via About.com:
Fitness Myth:Excessive Sweating While Exercising Means You’re Not Fit - In fact, it's just the opposite. Sweating during exercise is a sign of an efficient cooler. An athlete who has adapted to keep the body core cool during exercise will shunt blood to the skin’s surface more quickly and release heat from the body. At the same time, the sweat glands increase their output and thus cool the body during sweat evaporation. While fit people produce more sweat than sedentary folks, they lose less sodium, because more of it is reabsorbed by the body. The result is a more efficient cooler.
I'm just really efficient!

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3 



Goal: Boxing

Nutrition: I've been eating better and eating less sweets...

Hair: Did a new french braid, puff combo

Outcome: Went to boxing, and had a great time.


Goal: Boxing

Nutrition: Did ok...

Hair: Bun. I'm really starting to miss my twists!!!

Outcome: Went to boxing, and I tried my best. I've decided that I must be getting better because now the trainers are criticizing me regularly. I think I so bad before that there was just too much to correct and still have time to work with other people, so now that I have fewer things to correct, they can take the time to fix all the little (and not so little) things that I still do incorrectly. But at least I'm improving???


Goal: Boxing

Nutrition: I've been eating better and eating less sweets...

Hair: Did a new french braid, puff combo

Outcome: Went to boxing, and worked hard.


Goal: Do nothing.

Nutrition: I ate three meals, but none of them were particularly healthy. Too many carbs, and not enough veggies. Actually no veggies - terrible! But no sweets - better!

Hair: Big, soft puff.

Outcome: I went shopping and exercised some coupons and gift cards. And I'm sore from Wednesday!


Goal: Work out at home.

Nutrition: It is almost mid-day, and I've had an orange, some pineapple, a little chicken breast, some hummus and some carrots. I already know that I'm having some type of dessert tonight, and I don't know what I'm doing for lunch...I had a little chili, (a piece of fried chicken and corn bread, green beans - I know that sounds like a huge meal but my serving size was really small) some fruit, and 1.5 cookies. Later on I had most of a piece of toffee covered cheesecake! Delicious!!!!!

Hair: Still puffy!

Outcome: I did jumping jacks (100+), 50 weighted plie squats - (oh and I've found that if I drop the weight before I squat down and have to pick it up as I stand up, it somehow seems like a much more difficult exercise), leg lifts - actually weighted mule kicks, 3 sets of ab exercises, weighted jump ups, and a few upper body exercises. I sweat, I felt like worked my whole body, and it was fairly quick. Done!


Goal: Boxing

Nutrition: So I had a litle fruit salad, some hummus, baby carrots and grape tomatoes...then I had a piece of fried chicken. Again - it was a really small piece of chicken. Tonight's meal is Greek, and I make no promises.

Hair: My puff has been moved sideways, stretched out and re-imagined....

Outcome: I went to boxing. Food/nutrition...remains to be seen.


Goal: Something - Likely Boxing (because I'm an addict...)

Nutrition:  I found a BBQ place that sells Turkey Ribs and I think that Sunday will be the day that I finally try them....I didn't try BBQ. I actually had a fruit salad for dinner. 

Hair: Same as Saturday

Outcome: I did go to boxing.

For the previous weeks, click here: Week 1,  Week 2,  Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7 Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 12 ,Week 13Week 14 Week 15. and Week 16.
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Write by: Unknown - Friday, July 19, 2013

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