Outrunning This Heat: Daily Exercise Log Week 15

Image via Saucony.com
It is raining and thundering outside. And it is supposed to be even worse tomorrow. That wouldn't generally be a big deal, but tomorrow I am running the Peachtree Road Race, and I don't want to rain in thunder and lightening...

Anyway, the post is about optimal gear for summer running:

1. Wear materials that wick moisture away from the skin.

2. Wear light colors and lightweight, looser materials. It helps you catch the breeze, reflect (instead of absorb, sunlight), and maintain some level of comfort. And again say yes to wicking materials. Because although cotton may be light, it retains all of the body's moisture (sweat) and can cause irritation to the skin. And since it holds on to moisture it will feel clingier and heavier the further you run. So don't make cotton your go-to running material.

3. Visor/Hat - when running in extreme heat and sun, it is helpful to wear a hat or visor to reduce the amount of direct sunlight on your face.

5. Although this may be counter intuitive, you may wish to wear longer clothing (as in long sleeves, and longer shorts) in order to reduce the amount of direct sunlight that will hit the body.


Don't forget to hydrate throughout the course of you day!


Goal: Something

Nutrition: I didn't do too badly.

Hair: In my twist-out. Check it out on Keek.

Outcome: I did 3 sets of 50 weighted jumping jacks, 50 weighted squats and 2, 20-second wall-sits.


Goal: Run 6 miles

Nutrition: I skipped breakfast. Ate some Mexican food for lunch and spinach pizza for dinner. I also ate a bunch of chocolate, some trail mix, potato chips, and grapefruit. One day I will get it together....one day.

Hair: An ever-expanding twist-out. I did a small roll across the front and pinned it it down, so I had something resembling a bang.

Outcome: I ran the first 3.75, and walked the rest. I was REALLY sore, and didn't feel like running.



Nutrition: Skipped breakfast again! I'll have leftover Mexican for lunch, and pasta for dinner.

Hair: I did a semi-elaborate updo. I think I'll post it to Instagram.

Outcome: I've already accomplished my goal for the day, but I didn't advance my cause for the race. I didn't have pasta (carbo-load for the race), I went back to nuggets and fries - and felt terrible. I topped it off with a grapefruit for dessert.


Goal: Peachtree Road Race (10k/6.2m)

Nutrition: I didn't eat before the race. I generally don't like to eat anything in the morning before I run. Afterwards I had delicious vanilla french toast, scrambled eggs, and chicken sausage. And a grapefruit. I'm clearly on a grapefruit kick...

Hair: I tied up yesterday's style in a wrap and wore a visor during the run. It survived the run and later, the rain.

Outcome: I ran MY BEST Peachtree Road Race ever! I finished in 1:05:01. According to my Runtastic Ap, I did 6.51 miles, and averaged 10:01 miles. While that isn't the fastest time around, it was really good for me. I'm not a natural runner, and although I've finally gained some endurance, I have to now work on my speed. I've been trying to be faster and push myself harder over the past few weeks, and it worked (for me). I am going to continue to work on my speed and continue to run, and by next year, or my next event, I'll try to run faster.

Weather-wise it was actually quite cool, and it didn't rain until after I finished running. It made it a pretty pleasant run overall. If I hadn't dropped my key..which meant turning around and trying to find it in the midst of thousands of people, it would have been close to perfect. I took a few pics, check them on Instagram.


Goal: Yoga

Nutrition: I can't even recall....

Hair: Same as the day before...

Outcome: No exercise for me.


Goal: Boxing

Nutrition: I ate some Chick-Fil-A, then later a turkey and brie sandwich on a croissant. It was not a very good day of eating.  

Hair: I redid my hair into a giant round puff. I rather liked it, but it was unnecessarily large...
Outcome: I went to boxing, I got to do the more advanced boxing sequence, and I did a few rounds in the ring! I didn't really spar, my job was to just throw punches (and miss), but it was something new, and it was definitely a workout.


Goal: Anything

Nutrition: I ate a lot of fruit. 

Hair: Still in the big puff.

Outcome: I didn't do anything that resembled exercise.

So I did 4 activities this week instead of 5, but I still feel pretty good.
For the previous weeks, click here: Week 1,  Week 2,  Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7 Week 8, Week 9Week 10, Week 11, Week 12 and Week 13.
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Write by: Unknown - Wednesday, July 3, 2013

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