My Daily Exercise Log: Week 7 And How to Ease Soreness..

How to reduce soreness after exercise - Staying well hydrated helps prevent soreness, but if you exercise today and wake up sore tomorrow, these remedies can help you now and possibly prevent some pain later. Via Women's Health Magazine:

1. Put a little heat on it. Sometimes a warm bath, a stick-on heat strip or a heating pad can make all the difference! Heat will increase circulation to the affected areas and in turn reduce soreness. If you would like a recipe for bath salts, click here.

2. Warm up a little - then stretch! Stretching can provide relief by relaxing and elongating tight muscles.

3. Omega-3s - Taking fish oil can reduce inflammation and boost circulation.

4. Massage - It is a great way to increase blood flow to areas in need of a little TLC.

5. Exercise. A light workout can work wonders for a sore body.

So using the five day/week exercise standard, Week 6 was less than successful. But it is a new week and a new opportunity to meet my goals!


Goal: Boxing

Outcome: I went, and today it really kicked my behind! We had a different trainer, and I could feel the difference! Again, changing up the routine can make a huge difference...and it helped reinforce the FACt that I need to stay hydrated. Dehydration = exhaustion!

Hair: I used the Alikay line this morning (I'll do a product review), and ended up with my hair in a ponytail. I did a part, a side-swept bang, but the ends of my hair were in a ponytail. It survived the class, a little damp, but overall just fine.


Goal: Running (in the morning).

Outcome: I ran - in the evening. I did about 5.25 miles. It was a fairly successful run, in that I kept moving. UNTIL I tripped and fell and got the wind knocked out of me, and scraped and bruised my arm! But I lived, so I moved my legs until I made it home.

Hair: I put it in a quick ponytail at the top of my head. I sweat a lot...but my made it through the run without any problems.


Goal: Yoga
New Goal: Boxing

Outcome: I went to my boxing class, and as always - it kicked my behind! Why do we do jumping jacks with medicine balls? And why do I keep going back? Oh yeah, because I think it is a great workout, and it forces me to work on my upper body.

Hair: I put my twists in a high bun. It looked terrible! I survived the class and let my hair loose afterwards. I actually took it out last night/this morning - and did my first Keek about the product I used to get it in a bun!


Goal: Running
New Goal: Rock Climbing!  I don't know if my friends and I are really going to make this happen. I hope so!

Outcome: We went, I can now say that I've gone rock climbing! Indoor rock climbing. I'm glad that I tried it with the knowledge that the ground was only a few feet away. I felt my forearms work harder than I've ever needed them to before. I felt my arms, back, core and legs all engage at various parts of the climbs, and both my upper back and forearms felt the effort the next day. There were "rocks" that I couldn't reach, a few times when my hands gave out on me, but I gave my best effort.

Hair: Still in the bun from Wednesday.


Goal: Zumba
New Goal: Something!

Outcome: I went out of town, and didn't get the chance to attend my Zumba class. But I did go dancing for a couple of hours, and I stayed on the dancefloor the whole time. When I got home, I did weighted sumo squats, weighted sit-ups, bicept curls, and overhead extensions. I did three sets of 20 for each.

Hair: Still in the bun!


New Goal: Some running...

Outcome: I did go running - about 3.5m in 36 minutes. Although I didn't go as far as I'd like, I did something, and I'm proud of myself for exercising on four hours sleep. I then went to a wedding reception and got some time in on the dance floor.

Hair: Bun! By the time I went to the reception I had done my hair in a flat twist/two-strand twist combo and had a twist-out. I did a brief Keek video about it, and I'll post it in a few minutes.


Goal: Yoga, Walking or Running
New Goal: I might use my layover this afternoon to try to log a couple of miles in the airport. I'm sure that I can walk for a couple of miles while I try not to be sad about my long stop.

For the previous weeks, click here: Week 1Week 2Week 3, Week 4, Week 5 and Week 6.
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Write by: Unknown - Monday, May 6, 2013

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