HELP!!! - There is a CURLFRIEND in Need!


I received this message over the weekend from a reader:

This curl sister needs HELP!!!! I have been #team natural since 2008, BC-2009. I am so frustrated with my hair!!!! The current length is a good but I feel that my current style looks boring and dry. I am tempted to chop it all of again but could use any direction you may have. I work in corporate America so I'm not interested in any faux-hawks, or two-stand twist. Curly sisters...Help!!!
Big Chop 

 I asked a few more questions like:

- What was the turning point for your hair?

When my hair got to a certain length, it just stopped holding its curl. 

- What do you think has caused this?  Could there be heat damage?

Twist-out in happier days....
I don't think I have heat damage, and didn't have any after I pressed my hair in July of 2012. 

- Have you tried any protein treatments, deep conditioners, or masques?
Coils on short hair

I've had treatments at salons and at home. I regularly deep condition with homemade masques with olive oil, honey, mayo, and eggs. She's used Cantu Shea Butter, and she layers her moisturizers after washing her hair. 

 Everyone: What do you think? Is there another alternative to the big chop?

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Write by: Unknown - Wednesday, March 6, 2013

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