Sugar is Evil, Part II and Daily Exercise Log (8/5 - 8/11)

So remember last week when I wrote that sugar is evil? Well nothing has changed, and unfortunately, I've been lured back into its clutches. I had lemonade over the weekend, and I haven't stopped with the sugar since...Maybe if I read the posts again, I'll remember why I can't continue to give in. One reason to resist is that although our bodies have a natural mechanism alerting us to when it is time to stop eating, we aren't able to tell when we've had enough of certain types of sugar.

When we eat glucose, our brains are able to let us know that we've taken in enough calories. We tend to feel more satisfied, full, and are less likely to eat again. Eating the simple sugar fructose affects our brains quite differently. Food and drinks sweetened with fructose do not trigger the same sense of fullness as other foods with similar calories. A Yale University study found that test participants reported feeling more satisfied after consuming glucose compared to fructose. Taken together, it all increases the risk of overeating.

Eating fructose can also affect our fat cells. Leptin is a hormone that is secreted by those cells, and the more fat we have, the more leptin is secreted. This should serve as a signal that we're full, but when we take in large amounts of fructose, over time we can develop leptin resistance, which means that although the leptin is being secreted our bodies can't recognize its existence. The fructose actively blocks the effects of the leptin. That leads to us overeating because our brains are being told that our fat cells are empty, and need to be filled.

Many processed foods have table sugar (comprised of 50% fructose), high fructose corn syrup, or the additive sucrose (also comprised of 50% fructose). And in the US, we actually take in more of our sugars from food than sugary beverages! We have to be careful of:

Fat-free snacks, because when fat is reduced, sugar is often added; breads; jellies and jams; cakes; and ice cream. Added sugaralarm also found in sodas and things like tomato sauce, condiments and salad dressings, and multigrain crackers and cereals.

Check your labels because anything with more than 15g of total sugars per 100g means it has a high sugar content, 5g of total sugars or less per 100g means it has a low sugar content.

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4 


I am supposedly "on vacation", but as anyone that lives far away from their family knows, it is never a vacation when you go home!


Goal: Boot camp (w/my sister)

Nutrition: I had a slice of bread and tea for breakfast, a Jamaican chicken patty, and a HUGE buffet for dinner. My Grandma, Great Aunt and I went to the casino, and we ended up eating dinner there after we lost a combined $8.00 on the penny slots. I had about 4 plates but at least it was mainly made up of salad, vegetables, a few pieces of chicken breast and sushi. But I also ate about 1/2 slice of pizza, 2-3 fried shrimp, a veggie spring roll, and dessert. And an apple in the middle of the night.

Hair: Same style as Sunday, except I braided it into a braid that went 3/4 of the way around my head.

Outcome: I went to boot camp, then ran a couple of miles (because we were late to boot camp), and didn't eat well. But at least it was in a different way than usual.


Goal: Run

Nutrition: I had bread and tea for breakfast again, drank some lemonade, had baked french fries and a ground turkey patty, a banana, and I am about to find SOMETHING to eat soon. I'm starving. I ended up with a 6-inch Subway Buffalo Chicken sandwich on wheat. - But I also bought some candy and had 4-5 caramel creams...

Hair: I haven't taken my hair out yet, but I will take it out tonight.

Outcome: It is after 7:30, and I haven't exercised yet, but I should be able to get in some calisthenics and food before I take a nap. - I was WRONG. I barely even had time to take the nap! I put a photo of my Tuesday night look on Instagram - but it wasn't the best hair photo.


Goal: Boot camp (w/my sister)
New Goal: Something

Nutrition: I had 1/2 a Red Robin Bonzai burger for lunch, and the other half for dinner. I also ate a couple of handfuls of movie theater popcorn, many more caramel creams, and a couple of mini Kit Kats. I watched the Smurfs 2 in 3d with two of my nieces, sort of. They watched it and I napped, and we all had a good time.

Hair: I ended up wearing it in a BIG messy puff for most of the day. I washed and twisted it that night, using Wen to cleanse, and as a leave-in, then some old school petroleum based grease to seal. My hair only got the chance to set for about an hour before I took the twists out, but it turned out ok.

Outcome: So boot camp ended up being cancelled. We went to the local track, and joined a few other people from the class in some track time. We walked 1/2 mile, ran 1/2 mile, skipped, did walking lunges and then spent some time doing jumping jacks, standing crunches, squats, and lunges. It turned out to be a pretty decent workout.


Goal: Run
New Goal: Zumba (w/my sister)

Nutrition: My Grandma and I got ice cream and bought lunch. I had a delicious fried dumpling, a little brown stew chicken, some rice & peas, and a little salad. Later I had some ice cream, and for dinner I had a very small sandwich.  

Hair: I twisted it back up after I came in on Wednesday night, and wore it twisted all day Thursday. I should have done something to it, because I did not look my best!

Outcome: I walk/ran about 3.5 miles in the morning, and in the evening went to a Zumba class. Both made me work, but Zumba was much more fun. And thank goodness for my past Zumba training, or I would have really embarrassed myself in class!!!


Goal: Boot camp

Nutrition:?? I know that I'm going out to lunch and dinner tonight, so I can't make any promises!

Hair: Still in twists.

Outcome: I went to boot camp. I am tired. I did go out to lunch and dinner. I had a grilled chicken sandwich and a few fries for lunch, salad and 1/2 a serving of Chicken Parmesan for dinner.


Goal: Zumba
New goal: Something

Nutrition: I had 3/4 of a Jamaican beef patty, rice & peas, curry chicken, stew chicken, and a little plaintain. Somewhere. Along the way I had several chicken skewers and a few mini spring rolls...

Hair: I started the day with the back in a loose ponytail, and a couple of flat twists in the front. By the time I went out, I had done the front in several flat twists and pinned up, a tight ponytail with the ends done in 8 doublestrand twists. I wrapped them into a bun and pinned them down. 

Outcome: I was in a 2+ mile parade where I was supposed to be chaperoning the kids, but instead spent the time chipping down the street and waving my flag.


Goal: Something

Nutrition: I had some jerk chicken and Mac-n-cheese.

Hair: same

Outcome: I did not exercise. 
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Write by: Unknown - Tuesday, August 6, 2013

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