Love the twists...
So every time I hear the name Aisha I can't help but sing that Another Bad Creation (ABC) song of the same name. I can't help it - I'm in my 30's and I loved them! Anyway, my new Curlfriend is very like-minded in that she too loves and appreciates twists! I'm happy to share her lovely photos, and let her share her hair story...
Why did you decide to go natural?

In the beginning, I always wanted to see my natural curl pattern since I could barely remember my texture before I was forced into receiving a relaxer in the 4th grade. I knew in between touch-ups my new growth felt so soft and wavy in the middle. However, I got to a point in my life where I wanted to have full acceptance of what I looked like upon exiting my mothers womb. So that meant no artificial eye colors, fake nails, hair colors, relaxers..etc. I wanted to get to know ME and love myself for who I am.

What stage of life were you in when you went natural?

When I went natural I was working with a company to help get their daycare up and running. I had two children and was in a relationship. He was definitely in full support of my decision. He said I would be beautiful either way and at least I knew how to do hair so I wouldn't be walking around with a nappy head. Lol.

What has been the best compliment you've received on your natural hair?

When a person tells me that I look beautiful with my natural hair it means so much to me! I know that I don't have to think its something other than myself that makes me look that way. I'm naturally me with no additives. I'm just the way my Creator made me! It always feels even better to be complemented by other women and them taking interest in natural hair for themselves. I usually push it and tell them it would be the best decision and a learning lesson.
What is the one tip you would give a new natural?

Twist out
It will be one of the best things they've ever done. You will learn a lot about yourself and it will take you on a deeper spiritual journey. Big chopping is scary but very beneficial. After doing it, it serves you with a boost of confidence. You can no longer hide. You are forced into showing those watching exactly who you are. If you exude confidence it will show, if you have low self esteem it will show, if you are humble it will show..etc. The first year is packed with learning. Learning about what your hair needs as well as who you are. Your hair will go through stages of growth and you must be patient. Get through the 1st year and it will be a lot easier and enjoyable from there. Grab yourself some cute earrings and lipgloss!

Do you feel like you are part of the natural hair community?

Yes, I do! I have a fan page as well as followers on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. I share photos and tips.

Perm Rod Set

Has your natural hair has influenced other parts of your life?

Yes, after becoming natural I decided to watch what I put into my body. I stopped eating beef and pork initially. Now, I am learning the ropes of becoming Vegan. I've done Raw Vegan before as well.

What are your top three hair products or tools?

Yes, my favorite brands are Shea Moisture, Tresemme Naturals, and Nzuri.

What is your go-to style?

I wear protective styles the majority of the time. So it's different sized twists and braids for me. I cannot live without my twists! They are my signature style. My hands are my ultimate hair tool. I can detangle and style with them. :-)

Braided and ready...

Instagram- MrsAishaFinnih & NapturallyRooted
Twitter- NapturallyRootd
YouTube- ThatDymeAisha03
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Write by: Unknown - Friday, April 12, 2013

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